Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress

morphologia externa mesencephali

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Top level systema nervosum Short Extended
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Level 3 mesencephalon Short Extended
Current level morphologia externa mesencephali
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
morphologia externa mesencephali
morphologie externe du mésencéphale
77488 5582
lamina quadrigeminalis (par) ; lamina tecti mesencephali (par)
lame quadrigéminale (paire) ; lame du tectum du mésencéphale (paire)
62403 5586
colliculus superior (par)
colliculus supérieur (paire)
62404 5585
colliculus inferior (par)
colliculus inférieur (paire)
84359 5579
trigonum lemnisci lateralis (par)
trigone du lemnisque latéral (paire)
77801 5577
sulcus lateralis mesencephali (par)
sillon latéral du mésencéphale (paire)
62394 5575
pedunculus cerebri (par) ; crus cerebrale (par)
pédoncule du cerveau (paire); pédoncule cérébral (paire)
83792 5574 Tax
sulcus nervi oculomotorii (par)
sillon du nerf oculomoteur (paire)
83740 5572
fossa interpeduncularis
fosse interpédonculaire
77523 5573
substantia perforata posterior
substance perforée postérieure
10 lines
90.0 %
80.0 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Traditionally, the Mesencephalon was subdivided into the Tectum (the Colliculi) and the Pedunculus (the Crus cerebri, the Substantia.VTA complex and the Tegmentum mesencephali). Here it is advocated to use the term Pedunculus only for what it actually is: a large bundle of fibres from the Telencephalon to the Brain stem and Spinal cord.
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 8559
Number of children 23 (validated)
Number of units 10 (validated)
Signature 21427 (validated since 29.3.2019)
Date: 31.05.2024